Source code for oursin.atlas.ontology

from .. import client
from .. import utils
from pathlib import Path

import json
from vbl_aquarium.models.urchin import AtlasModel, StructureModel, ColormapModel, CustomAtlasModel
from vbl_aquarium.models.generic import *

[docs] class CustomAtlas: def __init__(self, atlas_name, atlas_dimensions, atlas_resolution): self.atlas_name = atlas_name data = CustomAtlasModel( name = atlas_name, dimensions= utils.formatted_vector3(atlas_dimensions), resolution= utils.formatted_vector3(atlas_resolution) ) client.sio.emit('CustomAtlas', data.to_json_string())
[docs] class Atlas: def __init__(self, atlas_name): # load the ontology structure file self.loaded = False = AtlasModel( name = atlas_name, areas = [], colormap=ColormapModel() ) current_script_directory = Path(__file__).resolve().parent data_file_path = f'{current_script_directory}/data/{}.structures.json' with open(data_file_path,'r') as f: temp = json.load(f) for i, structure_data in enumerate(temp): # {"acronym": "root", "id": 997, "name": "root", "structure_id_path": [997], "rgb_triplet": [255, 255, 255]} rgb_normalized = [x/255 for x in structure_data['rgb_triplet']] area_data = StructureModel( name = structure_data['name'], acronym = structure_data['acronym'], atlas_id = structure_data['id'], color= utils.formatted_color(rgb_normalized) ) area = Structure( data=area_data, index = i, update_callback=self._update ) setattr(self, structure_data['acronym'], area) def _update(self): """Internal helper function, push data to Unity and update all values """ client.sio.emit('urchin-atlas-update',
[docs] def load(self): """Load this atlas """ if self.loaded: print("(Warning) Atlas was already loaded, the renderer can have issues if you try to load an atlas twice.") self.loaded = True client.sio.emit('urchin-atlas-load',
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all visible areas """ # update all areas to be not visible for area in area.visible = False client.sio.emit('Clear', 'area')
[docs] def load_defaults(self): """Load the left and right areas Note that this function is not stateful, if you save the scene it will not be reloaded. """ client.sio.emit('urchin-atlas-defaults', "")
[docs] def set_reference_coord(self, reference_coord): """Set the reference coordinate for the atlas (Bregma by default) Parameters ---------- reference_coord : list of float """ = utils.formatted_vector3(utils.sanitize_vector3(reference_coord)) self._update
[docs] def get_areas(self, area_list): """Get the area objects given a list of area acronyms Parameters ---------- area_list : list of string List of acronyms to get objects for Returns ------- list of Structure Examples -------- >>> area_list = urchin.get_areas(["root", "VISp"]) """ areas = [] for name in area_list: try: area = getattr(self, name) areas.append(area) except: print(f'(Warning): Area {name} couldn''t be found in this atlas!') return areas
[docs] def set_visibilities(self, area_list, area_visibility, side = utils.Side.FULL, push = True): """Set visibility of multiple areas at once Parameters ---------- area_list : list of Structure area_visibility : list of bool sided : string, optional Brain area side to load, default = FULL Examples -------- >>> urchin.ccf25.set_visibilities(urchin.ccf25.get_areas(["root", "VISp"]), [True, False]) >>> urchin.ccf25.set_visibilities(urchin.ccf25.get_areas(["root", "VISp"]), True) """ area_visibility = utils.sanitize_list(area_visibility, len(area_list)) for i, area in enumerate(area_list):[area.index].visible = area_visibility[i][area.index].side = side.value if push: self._update()
[docs] def set_colors(self, area_list, area_colors, push = True): """Set color of multiple areas at once. Parameters ---------- area_list : list of Structure area_colors : list of colors (hex string or RGB triplet) Examples -------- >>> urchin.ccf25.set_visibilities(urchin.ccf25.get_areas(["root", "VISp"]), ['#ff0000', '#00ff00']) >>> urchin.ccf25.set_visibilities(urchin.ccf25.get_areas(["root", "VISp"]), [255, 255, 255]) """ area_colors = utils.sanitize_list(area_colors, len(area_list)) for i, area in enumerate(area_list):[area.index].color = utils.formatted_color(area_colors[i]) if push: self._update()
[docs] def set_colormap(self, colormap_name, min = 0, max = 1): """Set colormap used for mapping area *intensity* values to colors Options are - cool (default, teal 0 -> magenta 1) - grey (black 0 -> white 1) - grey-green (grey 0, light 1/255 -> dark 1) - grey-purple (grey 0, light 1/255 -> dark 1) - grey-red (grey 0, light 1/255 -> dark 1) - grey-rainbow (grey 0, rainbow colors from 1/255 -> 1) Parameters ---------- colormap_name : string colormap name """ = ColormapModel( name = colormap_name, min = min, max = max ) self._update()
[docs] def set_color_intensity(self, area_list, area_intensities, push = True): """Set intensity values, colors will be set according to the active colormap Parameters ---------- area_intensities : list of float 0->1 Examples -------- >>> urchin.ccf25.set_color_intensity(urchin.ccf25.get_areas(["root", "VISp"]), [0, 1]) """ area_intensities = utils.sanitize_list(area_intensities, len(area_list)) for i, area in enumerate(area_list):[area.index].color_intensity = area_intensities[i] if push: self._update()
[docs] def set_alphas(self, area_list, area_alphas, push = True): """Set alpha values, without changing colors Parameters ---------- area_list : list of Structure area_alphas : list of float """ area_alphas = utils.sanitize_list(area_alphas, len(area_list)) for i, area in enumerate(area_list):[area.index].color.a = area_alphas[i] if push: self._update()
[docs] def set_materials(self, area_list, area_materials, push = True): """Set material of multiple areas at once. Material options are - 'opaque-lit' or 'default' - 'opaque-unlit' - 'transparent-lit' - 'transparent-unlit' Parameters ---------- area_colors : dict {string: string} Keys are area IDs or acronyms, Values are hex colors Examples -------- >>> urchin.ccf25.set_materials(urchin.ccf25.get_areas(["root", "VISp"]), ['transparent-lit', 'opaque-lit']) >>> urchin.ccf25.set_materials(urchin.ccf25.get_areas(["root", "VISp"]), ['transparent-lit]) """ area_materials = utils.sanitize_list(area_materials, len(area_list)) for i, area in enumerate(area_list):[area.index].material = area_materials[i] if push: self._update()
[docs] class Structure: """Structure attributes can be accessed as >>> >>> structure.acronym >>> >>> structure.rgb_triplet >>> structure.path """ def __init__(self, data, index, update_callback): = data self.index = index self.update_callback = update_callback
[docs] def set_visibility(self, visibility, side = utils.Side.FULL, push = True): """Set area visibility Parameters ---------- visibility : bool side : utils.Side, optional .FULL, .LEFT, or .RIGHT Examples -------- >>> urchin.ccf25.root.set_visibility(True) >>> urchin.ccf25.root.set_visibility(True, urchin.utils.Side.LEFT) """ = visibility = side.value if push: self.update_callback()
[docs] def set_color(self, color, push = True): """Set area color. Parameters ---------- color : hex string Examples -------- >>> urchin.ccf25.root.set_color('#ff0000') >>> urchin.ccf25.root.set_color([255, 0, 0], "left") """ = utils.formatted_color(utils.sanitize_color(color)) if push: self.update_callback()
[docs] def set_alpha(self, alpha, push = True): """Set area transparency. Parameters ---------- alpha: float Examples -------- >>> urchin.ccf25.root.set_alpha(0.5) """ = utils.sanitize_float(alpha) if push: self.update_callback()
[docs] def set_intensity(self, intensity, push = True): """Set color based on the intensity value through the active colormap. Parameters ---------- intensity : float 0->1 Examples -------- >>> urn.set_intensity(0.5) """ = utils.sanitize_float(intensity) if push: self.update_callback()
[docs] def set_material(self, material, push = True): """Set material. Material options are - 'opaque-lit' or 'default' - 'opaque-unlit' - 'transparent-lit' - 'transparent-unlit' Parameters ---------- material: string Examples ---------- >>> urchin.ccf25.root.set_material('transparent-lit') """ = utils.sanitize_string(material) if push: self.update_callback()
# def set_data(area_data): # """Set the data array for each CCF area model # Data arrays work the same as the set_area_intensity() function but are controlled by the area_index value, which can be set in the renderer or through the API. # Parameters # ---------- # area_data : dict {string: float list} # keys area IDs or acronyms, values are a list of floats # """ # client.sio.emit('SetAreaData', area_data) # def set_data_index(area_index): # """Set the data index for the CCF area models # Parameters # ---------- # area_index : int # data index # """ # client.sio.emit('SetAreaIndex', area_index)