Source code for oursin.lines


from . import client
import warnings
from . import utils

from vbl_aquarium.models.urchin import LineModel
from vbl_aquarium.models.generic import IDData

counter = 0

[docs]def clear(): """Clear all custom meshes """ client.sio.emit('Clear','lines')
[docs]class Line: def __init__(self, positions= [[0.0,0.0,0.0]], color= [1, 1, 1]): global counter counter += 1 = LineModel( id = f'l{counter}', positions = positions, color=utils.formatted_color(color) ) self._update() self.in_unity = True def _update(self): client.sio.emit('urchin-line-update',
[docs] def delete(self): """Deletes lines Examples >>>l1.delete() """ client.sio.emit('urchin-line-delete', IDData( self.in_unity = False
[docs] def set_positions(self, positions): """Set the positions of line renderer Parameters ---------- position : list of vector3 [[ap,ml,dv],[ap,ml,dv]] vertex positions of the line in the ReferenceAtlas space (um) Examples -------- >>>l1.set_position([[0, 0, 0],[13200,11400,8000]]) """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Line does not exist in Unity, call create method first.") for i, vec3 in enumerate(positions): positions[i] = utils.formatted_vector3(utils.sanitize_vector3(vec3)) = positions self._update()
[docs] def set_color(self, color): """Set the color of line renderer Parameters ---------- color : string hex color new color of the line Examples -------- >>>l1.set_color('#000000') """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Line does not exist in Unity, call create method first.") = utils.formatted_color(utils.sanitize_color(color)) self._update()
[docs]def create (n): """Create Line objects Parameters ---------- n : int Number of objects to create """ lines_list = [] for i in range(n): line = Line() lines_list.append(line) return lines_list
[docs]def delete (lines_list): """Deletes lines Parameters ---------- lines_list : list of Line objects list of lines to be deleted Examples -------- >>> lines.delete() """ for line in lines_list: line.delete()