Source code for oursin.particles


from . import client
import warnings
from . import utils

from vbl_aquarium.models.unity import Vector3, Color
from vbl_aquarium.models.generic import IDData, FloatList, ColorList
from vbl_aquarium.models.urchin import ParticleSystemModel

## Particle system
counter = 0
[docs]class ParticleSystem: """Particle system Minimize the number of particle systems you create You cannot edit the number of particles in a system after creation Create separate particle systems when you need to use different materials """ def __init__(self, n, material = 'circle', positions = None, sizes = None, colors = None): """Initialize particle system Parameters ---------- n : int Number of particles """ global counter counter += 1 = ParticleSystemModel( id= f'psystem{counter}', n = n, material= material, positions = [Vector3()] * n if positions is None else [utils.formatted_vector3(pos) for pos in utils.sanitize_list(positions, n)], sizes = [0.1] * n if sizes is None else utils.sanitize_list(sizes, n), colors = [Color()] * n if sizes is None else utils.sanitize_list(colors, n) ) self._update() self.in_unity = True def _update(self): """Push data to Urchin renderer """ client.sio.emit('urchin-particles-update',
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this particle system and all its particles """ client.sio.emit('urchin-particles-delete', IDData(id= self.in_unity = False
[docs] def set_material(self, material): """Set the material of a particle system Options are - 'gaussian' - 'circle' (default) - 'circle-lit' - 'square' - 'square-lit' - 'diamond' - 'diamond-lit' Parameters ---------- material : string new material for all particles Examples -------- >>>psystem1.set_material('circle') """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Particle system was deleted") = utils.sanitize_string(material) self._update()
[docs] def set_positions(self, positions): """Set the positions of particles relative to the reference coordinate Parameters ---------- position : list of three floats (ap, ml, dv) coordinates in um Examples -------- >>>psystem1.set_positions([5200,5700,330]) # move all particles to Bregma in CCF """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Particle system was deleted") positions = utils.sanitize_list(positions, = [utils.formatted_vector3([pos[0]/1000, pos[1]/1000, pos[2]/1000]) for pos in positions] self._update()
def _set_positions(self, positions): """Efficient position setting, for real-time applications Make sure your positions are in mm, not um ID should match Parameters ---------- positions : Vector3List AP/ML/DV positions in *mm* """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Particle system was deleted") client.sio.emit('urchin-particles-positions', positions.to_string())
[docs] def set_sizes(self, sizes): """Set the sizes of particles in um Parameters ---------- size : float Examples -------- >>>psystem1.set_sizes([20]) """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Particle system was deleted") sizes = utils.sanitize_list(sizes, sizes = [utils.sanitize_float(size)/1000 for size in sizes] = sizes if < 100000: self._update() else: # use the efficient code data = FloatList( id=, values= sizes ) self._set_sizes(data)
def _set_sizes(self, sizes): """Efficent size setting, for real-time applications ID should match Parameters ---------- sizes : FloatList Sizes of particles in *mm* """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Particle system was deleted") client.sio.emit('urchin-particles-sizes', sizes.to_string())
[docs] def set_colors(self, colors): """Set the colors of particles Parameters ---------- colors : list hex or [r,g,b] colors Examples -------- >>>psystem1.set_color(['#FFFFFF']) """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Particle system was deleted") colors = utils.sanitize_list(colors, colors = [utils.formatted_color(color) for color in colors] = colors if < 100000: self._update() else: # use the efficient code data = ColorList( id=, values= colors ) self._set_colors(data)
def _set_colors(self, colors): """Efficient color setting, for real-time applications ID should match Parameters ---------- colors : ColorList Colors of particles """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Particle system was deleted") client.sio.emit('urchin-particles-colors', colors.to_string())
[docs]def clear(): """Clear all particle systems """ client.sio.emit('Clear', 'particles')