from . import client
import warnings
from . import utils
from vbl_aquarium.models.urchin import ProbeModel
from vbl_aquarium.models.generic import IDData, IDListVector3List, IDListColorList, IDListStringList
##Probes Renderer
counter = 0
[docs]def clear():
"""Clear all custom meshes
[docs]class Probe:
def __init__(self, color = 'FFFFFF', position = [0,0,0], angle = [0,0,0], style = 'line', scale = [0.070, 3.840, 0.020]):
global counter
counter +=1
self.data = ProbeModel(
id = f'p{counter}',
position= utils.formatted_vector3(position),
color= utils.formatted_color(color),
angles = utils.formatted_vector3(angle),
style = style,
scale = utils.formatted_vector3(scale)
self.in_unity = True
def _update(self):
client.sio.emit('urchin-probe-update', self.data.to_string())
[docs] def delete(self):
"""Delete probe objects
references probe being deleted
>>> p1.delete()
client.sio.emit('urchin-probe-delete', IDData(id=self.data.id).to_string())
self.in_unity = False
[docs] def set_color(self,color):
"""Set colors of probe objects
color : string
string is hex color
>>> p1.set_color('#FFFFFF')
if self.in_unity == False:
raise Exception("Object does not exist in Unity, call create method first.")
self.data.color = utils.formatted_color(color)
[docs] def set_position(self, position):
"""Set probe tip position in AP/ML/DV coordinates in um relative to the zero coordinate (front, top, left)
probe_positions : vector3
value is list of floats in AP/ML/DV in um
>>> p1.set_position([500,1500,2500])
if self.in_unity == False:
raise Exception("Object does not exist in Unity, call create method first.")
self.data.position = utils.formatted_vector3(position)
[docs] def set_angle(self, probe_angles):
"""Set probe azimuth/elevation/spin angles in degrees
Azimuth 0 = has the probe facing the AP axis, positive values rotate clockwise
Elevation 0 = probe is vertical, 90 = horizontal
probe_angles : float list
value is list of floats in az/elev/spin
>>> p1.set_angle([-90,0,0])
if self.in_unity == False:
raise Exception("Object does not exist in Unity, call create method first.")
self.data.angles = utils.formatted_vector3(probe_angles)
# def set_probe_style(self,probe_data):
# """Set probe rendering style
# Style options are:
# "line"
# "probe-tip"
# "probe-silicon"
# "probe"
# Inputs:
# probe_data -- dictionary of probe names and string {'p1':'line'}
# """
# if self.in_unity == False:
# raise Exception("Object does not exist in Unity, call create method first.")
# probe_data = utils.sanitize_string(probe_data)
# self.style = probe_data
# client.sio.emit('SetProbeStyle', {self.id:probe_data})
[docs] def set_scale(self, probe_scale):
"""Set probe scale in mm units, by default probes are scaled to 70 um wide x 20 um deep x 3840 um tall which is the size of a NP 1.0 probe.
probe_scale: float list
list of floats for width, height, depth
>>> p1.set_scale([0.070, 3.840, 0.020])
if self.in_unity == False:
raise Exception("Object does not exist in Unity, call create method first.")
self.data.scale = utils.formatted_vector3(probe_scale)
[docs]def create(num_objects):
"""Create probe objects
num_objects: int
number of probe objects to be created
>>> probes = urchin.probes.create(2)
probe_list = []
for i in range(num_objects):
return probe_list
[docs]def delete(probes_list):
"""Delete probe objects
probes_list: list
list of probe objects to be deleted
>>> probes.delete([p1,p2])
probes_list = utils.sanitize_list(probes_list)
probe_ids = [x.id for x in probes_list]
client.sio.emit('DeleteProbes', probe_ids)
[docs]def set_colors(probes_list, colors_list):
"""Set colors of probe objects
probes_list: list of probe objects
list of probe objects to be colored
colors_list : list of string hex colors
new hex colors for each probe
>>> urchin.probes.set_colors(probes,['#FFFFFF','#000000'])
colors_list = utils.sanitize_list(colors_list, len(probes_list))
data = IDListColorList(
ids = [x.data.id for x in probes_list],
values= [utils.formatted_color(x) for x in colors_list]
client.sio.emit('urchin-probe-colors', data.to_string())
[docs]def set_positions(probes_list, positions_list):
"""Set probe tip positions in AP/ML/DV coordinates in um relative to the zero point (front, left, top)
probes_list : list of Probe
positions_list : list of vector3
tip coordinate in AP/ML/DV in um
>>> urchin.probes.set_positions(probes,[[1000,2000,1000],[2000,2000,2000]])
positions_list = utils.sanitize_list(positions_list, len(probes_list))
data = IDListVector3List(
ids = [x.data.id for x in probes_list],
values= [utils.formatted_vector3([pos[0]/1000, pos[1]/1000, pos[2]/1000]) for pos in positions_list]
client.sio.emit('urchin-probe-positions', data.to_string())
[docs]def set_angles(probes_list, angles_list):
"""Set probe azimuth/elevation/spin angles in degrees
Azimuth 0 = has the probe facing the AP axis, positive values rotate clockwise
Elevation 0 = probe is vertical, 90 = horizontal
probes_list : list of probe objects
list of probes being set
probe_angles : list of list of three floats
value is list of floats in az/elev/spin
>>> urchin.probes.set_angles(probes,[[-90,0,0],[0,30,0]])
angles_list = utils.sanitize_list(angles_list, len(probes_list))
data = IDListVector3List(
ids = [x.data.id for x in probes_list],
values= [utils.formatted_vector3(angle) for angle in angles_list]
client.sio.emit('urchin-probe-angles', data.to_string())
# def set_probe_styles(probes_list,styles_list):
# """Set probe rendering style
# Style options are:
# "line"
# "probe-tip"
# "probe-silicon"
# "probe"
# Parameters
# ----------
# probes_list : list of probe objects
# list of probes being set
# styles_list :list of strings
# list of strings for probe style
# Examples
# --------
# >>> urchin.probes.set_probe_styles(probes,['line','probe-tip'])
# """
# probes_list = utils.sanitize_list(probes_list)
# styles_list = utils.sanitize_list(styles_list)
# probe_styles = {}
# for i in range(len(probes_list)):
# probe = probes_list[i]
# if probe.in_unity:
# probe_styles[probe.id] = utils.sanitize_string(styles_list[i])
# else:
# warnings.warn(f"Object with id {probe.id} does not exist in Unity, Please create object {probe.id}.")
# client.sio.emit('SetProbeStyle', probe_styles)
[docs]def set_scales(probes_list, scales_list):
"""Set probe scale in mm units, by default probes are scaled to 70 um wide x 20 um deep x 3840 um tall which is the size of a NP 1.0 probe.
probes_list: list of probe objects
list of probe sizes being set
scales_list: list of list of three floats
list of floats for width, height, depth for each probe
>>> urchin.probes.set_scales(probes,[[0.070, 3.840, 0.020],[0.070, 3.840, 0.020]])
scales_list = utils.sanitize_list(scales_list, len(probes_list))
data = IDListVector3List(
ids = [x.data.id for x in probes_list],
values= [utils.formatted_vector3(scale) for scale in scales_list]
client.sio.emit('urchin-probe-scales', data.to_string())