Source code for oursin.texture

from . import client
import warnings
from . import utils
from PIL import Image
from typing import List
import io

receive_fname = ''
receive_count = 0
receive_data = []

CHUNK_SIZE = 100000000

counter = 0

[docs]def clear(): """Clear all custom meshes """ client.sio.emit('Clear','texture')
[docs]class Texture: def __init__(self, position=None, offset=None, texture_file=None): self.create() if position: self.set_position(position) if offset: self.set_offset(offset) if texture_file: self.set_image(texture_file)
[docs] def create(self): """Creates Textures Parameters ---------- none Examples >>> tex = urchin.texture.Texture() """ global counter counter += 1 = 'tex' + str(counter) client.sio.emit('CreateFOV',[]) self.in_unity = True
[docs] def delete(self): """Deletes Textures Parameters ---------- references object being deleted Examples >>> tex.delete() """ client.sio.emit('DeleteFOV',[]) self.in_unity = False
[docs] def set_position(self,positions): """Set the position of fov in ap/ml/dv coordinates relative to the CCF (0,0,0) point Parameters ---------- position : list of list of three floats vertex positions of the four corners of the texture relative to the CCF origin Examples -------- >>> tex.set_position([[9.2611688 , 7.94252654, 1.3904818 ], [8.75443871, 7.94252654, 1.08008647], [9.24259926, 8.52829154, 1.43690564], [8.73586918, 8.52829154, 1.12651031]]) """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Texture does not exist in Unity, call create method first.") for i, pos in enumerate(positions): positions[i] = utils.sanitize_vector3(pos) self.position = utils.sanitize_list(positions) client.sio.emit('SetFOVPos',{ positions})
[docs] def set_image(self, array): """Set the image data for texture Parameters ---------- array : numpy array luminance data for texture Examples -------- >>> tex.set_texture(array) """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Texture does not exist in Unity, call create method first.") # texture_file = utils.sanitize_string(texture_file) # self.texture_file=texture_file # img = # Convert img to bytes img_bytes = array.tobytes() # # Split bytes into chunks chunks = [img_bytes] client.sio.emit('SetFOVTextureDataMetaInit', [, len(chunks), array.shape[0], array.shape[1], 'array']) # Send img by chunk # [TODO: Replace with a data structure] for i,chunk in enumerate(chunks): immediate_apply = True if i==len(chunks)-1 else False client.sio.emit('SetFOVTextureDataMeta', [,i,immediate_apply]) client.sio.emit('SetFOVTextureData',chunk)
[docs] def set_offset(self, offset): """Set the vertical offset for this texture Parameters ---------- offset : float Vertical offset in mm """ client.sio.emit('SetFOVOffset', { offset})
[docs]def create(N): """Create Texture objects Note: textures must be created before setting other values Parameters ---------- N : int number of new Texture objects Examples -------- >>> textures_list = urchin.textures.create(3) """ textures = [] for _ in range(N): textures.append(Texture()) return textures
[docs]def delete(textures_list): """Delete Texture objects Parameters ---------- textures_list : list of Texture Examples -------- >>> urchin.fovs.delete(textures_list) """ textures_list = utils.sanitize_list(textures_list) for tex in textures_list: if tex.in_unity: tex.delete() else: warnings.warn(f"fov with id {} does not exist in Unity, call create method first.") fovs_ids = [ for x in textures_list] client.sio.emit('DeleteFOVs', fovs_ids)
[docs]def set_positions(textures_list, positions_list): """Set the positions of textures in ap/ml/dv coordinates relative to the CCF (0,0,0) point Note: this plural function has no efficiency advantage of Texture.set_position, for readable code we recommend using the former. Parameters ---------- textures_list : list of fov objects list of fovs being moved positions : list of list of list of three floats list of four vertex corners for each texture Examples -------- >>> urchin.fovs.set_positions([[...],[...],[...]]) # see set_position for position example """ textures_list = utils.sanitize_list(textures_list) positions_list = utils.sanitize_list(positions_list) for fov,position in zip(textures_list, positions_list): if fov.in_unity: fov.set_position(position) else: warnings.warn(f"fov with id {} does not exist in Unity, call create method first.")
[docs]def set_images(textures_list, images_list): """Set the position of fov in ml/ap/dv coordinates relative to the CCF (0,0,0) point Parameters ---------- fovs_list : list of fov objects list of fovs being moved positions : list of list of three floats list of positions of fovs Examples -------- >>> img0 = fov. >>> urchin.fovs.set_textures([f1,f2,f3], ['fov1.png','fov']) """ textures_list = utils.sanitize_list(textures_list) images_list = utils.sanitize_list(images_list, len(textures_list)) for tex,img in zip(textures_list,images_list): if tex.in_unity: tex.set_texture(img) else: warnings.warn(f"Texture with id {} does not exist in Unity, call create method first.")