Source code for oursin.utils

"""Sanitizing inputs to send through API"""
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum

from vbl_aquarium.models.unity import *

[docs]class Side(Enum): LEFT = -1 FULL = 0 RIGHT = 1 ALL = 3
[docs]def sanitize_vector3(vector): """Guarantee that a vector is a vector 3, or raise an exception Parameters ---------- input : any arbitrary input parameter Returns ------- list vector3 as a list [x,y,z] Raises ------ Exception Failed to coerce input to a length 3 list """ try: vector_list = list(map(float, vector)) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Input vector must be convertible to a list of three floats.") # Check if the length is exactly three if len(vector_list) != 3: raise ValueError("Input vector must have exactly three elements.") return vector_list
[docs]def sanitize_color(color): """ Convert input color to a list of r/g/b/a values in the range 0->1. Parameters ---------- color : str or list Hex code or list of floats representing color values. Returns ------- list List of r/g/b/a values in the range 0->1. """ if isinstance(color, list) or isinstance(color, tuple): if len(color) == 3 or len(color) == 4: try: if max(color) > 1: return [x / 255 for x in color] else: return color except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Input list must contain three or four floats.") elif isinstance(color, str): return hex_to_rgb(color) else: raise TypeError("Input type not recognized.")
[docs]def sanitize_float(value): if isinstance(value, float): return value else: try: return float(value) except: raise Exception("Value could not be coerced to a float.")
[docs]def sanitize_material(material): if isinstance(material, str): return(material) else: raise Exception("Material is not properly passed in as a string. Please pass in material as a string.")
[docs]def sanitize_list(input, length=0): """Guarantee that a list is of at least size length, or try to broadcast to that size Parameters ---------- input : list length : int, optional length to broadcast to, by default 0 Returns ------- list """ if length > 0 and not isinstance(input, list): input = [input] * length if not isinstance(input, list): raise Exception("List parameter needs to be a list.") return input
[docs]def sanitize_string(string): if isinstance(string, str): return(string) else: raise Exception("Input is not properly passed in as a string. Please pass in input as a string.")
[docs]def sanitize_side(acronym, sided): if sided == "full": return acronym elif sided == "left": return f'{acronym}-lh' elif sided == "right": return f'{acronym}-rh' else: raise Exception(f'Sided enum {sided} not properly defined, should be full/left/right')
[docs]def rgb_to_hex(rgb): return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb
[docs]def rgba_to_hex(rgba): return '#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % rgba
[docs]def hex_to_rgb(hex_code): # Remove '#' if present hex_code = hex_code.lstrip('#') # Convert hexadecimal to RGB r = int(hex_code[0:2], 16) g = int(hex_code[2:4], 16) b = int(hex_code[4:6], 16) return (r/255, g/255, b/255)
[docs]def list_of_list2vector3(list_of_list): """Convert a list of lists to a list of Vector3 objects Parameters ---------- list_of_list : list of length 3 lists _description_ """ return [formatted_vector3(data) for data in list_of_list]
[docs]def formatted_vector3(list_of_float): """Convert a list of floats to a Vector3 Parameters ---------- list_of_float : list """ list_of_float = sanitize_vector3(list_of_float) return Vector3( x = list_of_float[0], y = list_of_float[1], z = list_of_float[2] )
[docs]def formatted_vector2(list_of_float): """Convert a list of floats to a Vector2 Parameters ---------- list_of_float : list """ return Vector2( x = list_of_float[0], y = list_of_float[1] )
[docs]def formatted_color(color): """Converts a color, either a hex or list of floats, to a Color object Parameters ---------- color : list/str Length 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA, or a hex color string """ color = sanitize_color(color) if len(color) == 3: return Color( r = color[0], g = color[1], b = color[2] ) elif len(color) == 4: return Color( r = color[0], g = color[1], b = color[2], a = color[3] ) else: raise Exception('Colors should be length 3 or 4')