BrainAtlas for Unity is a package which wraps the BrainGlobe Atlas API into a package for easy use in Unity.
There is currently no citation for BrainAtlas for Unity. Please cite the BrainGlobe Atlas paper when using this package: Claudi, F., Petrucco, L., Tyson, A., Branco, T., Margrie, T., & Portugues, R. (2020). BrainGlobe Atlas API: a common interface for neuroanatomical atlases. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(54), 2668-2668.
Data pipeline
BrainAtlas implements a Python pipeline which converts the bg-atlas API files into a convenient format for ingesting into Unity. The pipeline downloads and organizes the raw data into the /Pipelines/data/ folder for each available atlas.
Note that the data pipeline can take a long time to run, as it downloads each atlas locally.
bg-atlas files
annotation.tiff: annotation IDs
metadata.json: name, citation + link, species, symmetric, resolution, orientation, version, shape, 4x4 transform matrix
reference.tiff: reference image RGB
structures.json: acronym, id, full name, hierarchy path, rgb color
Intermediate data files
Reference image: .bytes file with the flattened data from the reference image, in uint16 format (2 bytes per voxel)
Annotation image: .bytes file with the flattened data from the annotation image, in uint32 format (4 bytes per voxel)
Mesh files: *.obj file for each region, *L.obj file for each left hemisphere region
Region centers: .csv file with the ap/ml/dv coordinate for the center of each area
Unity files
When the pipeline runs it converts the intermediate files into a set of ScriptableObjects, Prefabs, and Textures:
atlas metadata ScriptableObject: holds the name, dimensions, resolution, and other metadata
parent Prefab: prefab that has the translation/rotation necessary to align the mesh files to the annotation data volume
annotations.bytes: raw annotation values (uncompressed)
annotation Texture3D: rgba annotation colors
reference Texture3D: greyscale reference texture colors
Using BrainAtlas
To use the package, simply import it from and then drag the BrainAtlas prefab into your scene. Then, link a callback to the MetaLoadedEvent
that calls BrainAtlasManager.LoadAtlas('atlas_name')
. That’s it!
You can then access the active ReferenceAtlas
object through BrainAtlasManager.ReferenceAtlas
and the Ontology as a child of that.
Note that the Textures and annotations are not automatically loaded, you have to further load them by calling the loaders through the ReferenceAtlas object.
Adding new atlases
The pipeline should run for all existing bg-atlas atlases.
Under-the-hood for Pipelines
Pipeline steps:
Building new bundles
The remote loader uses a simple versioning setup by tagging each build with a tag (e.g. v0.1.1). Increment the patch number if you are modifying an existing file. Increment the minor number if you are adding new files that don’t modify existing functionality. Increment the major number if you are making a backward-incompatible change to the codebase.
To ensure backward-compatibility you should modify the remote URL to include the build target version as a suffix on the url. This avoids accidentally over-writing files and causing hash code mis-matches.
Pushing to the server
Build the addressable assets and copy the entire new ServerData/
folder to the ServerData/X.Y.Z/
folder on the local server. Make sure to build for Windows standalone, WebGL, MacOS, and Linux.