Source code for ephys_link.common

"""Commonly used functions and dictionaries

Contains globally used helper functions and typed dictionaries (to be used as
callback parameters)

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from typing import TypedDict

# Debugging flag
DEBUG = False

# Ephys Link ASCII
ASCII = r"""
  ______       _                 _      _       _
 |  ____|     | |               | |    (_)     | |
 | |__   _ __ | |__  _   _ ___  | |     _ _ __ | | __
 |  __| | '_ \| '_ \| | | / __| | |    | | '_ \| |/ /
 | |____| |_) | | | | |_| \__ \ | |____| | | | |   <
 |______| .__/|_| |_|\__, |___/ |______|_|_| |_|_|\_\
        | |           __/ |
        |_|          |___/

[docs]def dprint(message: str) -> None: """Print message if debug is enabled. :param message: Message to print. :type message: str :return: None """ if DEBUG: print(message)
# Input data formats
[docs]class GotoPositionInputDataFormat(TypedDict): """Data format for positional requests. :param manipulator_id: ID of the manipulator to move. :type manipulator_id: str :param pos: Position to move to in mm (X, Y, Z, W). :type pos: list[float] :param speed: Speed to move at in mm/s. :type speed: float """ manipulator_id: str pos: list[float] speed: float
[docs]class InsideBrainInputDataFormat(TypedDict): """Data format for setting inside brain state. :param manipulator_id: ID of the manipulator to move. :type manipulator_id: str :param inside: Whether the manipulator is inside the brain. :type inside: bool """ manipulator_id: str inside: bool
[docs]class DriveToDepthInputDataFormat(TypedDict): """Data format for depth driving requests. :param manipulator_id: ID of the manipulator to move. :type manipulator_id: str :param depth: Depth to drive to in mm. :type depth: float :param speed: Speed to drive at in mm/s. :type speed: float """ manipulator_id: str depth: float speed: float
[docs]class CanWriteInputDataFormat(TypedDict): """Data format for setting can write state. :param manipulator_id: ID of the manipulator to move. :type manipulator_id: str :param can_write: Whether the manipulator can write. :type can_write: bool :param hours: Number of hours the manipulator can write for. :type hours: float """ manipulator_id: str can_write: bool hours: float
# Output data dictionaries
[docs]class GetManipulatorsOutputData(dict): """Output format for get manipulators request. :param manipulators: List of manipulator IDs (as strings). :type manipulators: list :param num_axes: Number of axes this manipulator has. :type num_axes: int :param dimensions: Size of the movement space in mm (first 3 axes). :type dimensions: list :param error: Error message. :type error: str :example: Example generated dictionary :code:`{"manipulators": ["1", "2"], "num_axes": 4, "dimensions": [20, 20, 20], "error": ""}` """ def __init__(self, manipulators: list, num_axes: int, dimensions: list, error: str) -> None: """Constructor""" super().__init__( manipulators=manipulators, num_axes=num_axes, dimensions=dimensions, error=error, )
[docs] def json(self) -> str: """Return JSON string""" return json.dumps(self)
[docs]class PositionalOutputData(dict): """Output format for positional requests. :param position: Position in mm (as a list, empty on error) in X, Y, Z, W order. :type position: list :param error: Error message. :type error: str :example: Example generated dictionary :code:`{"position": [10.429, 12.332, 2.131, 12.312], "error": ""}` """ def __init__(self, position: list, error: str) -> None: """Constructor""" super().__init__(position=position, error=error)
[docs] def json(self) -> str: """Return JSON string""" return json.dumps(self)
[docs]class AngularOutputData(dict): """Output format for manipulator angle requests. :param angles: Angles in degrees (as a list, can be empty) in yaw, pitch, roll order. :type angles: list :param error: Error message. :type error: str """ def __init__(self, angles: list, error: str) -> None: """Constructor""" super().__init__(angles=angles, error=error)
[docs] def json(self) -> str: """Return JSON string""" return json.dumps(self)
[docs]class ShankCountOutputData(dict): """Output format for number of shanks. :param shank_count: Number of shanks on the probe (-1 if error). :type shank_count: int :param error: Error message. :type error: str """ def __init__(self, shank_count: int, error: str) -> None: """Constructor""" super().__init__(shank_count=shank_count, error=error)
[docs] def json(self) -> str: """Return JSON string""" return json.dumps(self)
[docs]class DriveToDepthOutputData(dict): """Output format for depth driving. :param depth: Depth in mm (0 on error). :type depth: float :param error: Error message. :type error: str :example: Example generated dictionary :code:`{"depth": 1.23, "error": ""}` """ def __init__(self, depth: float, error: str) -> None: """Create drive to depth output data dictionary""" super().__init__(depth=depth, error=error)
[docs] def json(self) -> str: """Return JSON string""" return json.dumps(self)
[docs]class StateOutputData(dict): """Output format for boolean state requests. :param state: State of the event. :type state: bool :param error: Error message. :type error: str :example: Example generated dictionary :code:`{"state": True, "error": ""}` """ def __init__(self, state: bool, error: str) -> None: """Create state output data dictionary""" super().__init__(state=state, error=error)
[docs] def json(self) -> str: """Return JSON string""" return json.dumps(self)