Source code for ephys_link.server

"""WebSocket server and communication handler

Manages the WebSocket server and handles connections and events from the client. For
every event, the server does the following:

1. Extract the arguments passed in the event
2. Log that the event was received
3. Call the appropriate function in :mod:`ephys_link.sensapex_handler` with arguments
4. Relay the response from :mod:`ephys_link.sensapex_handler` to the callback function

from __future__ import annotations

from json import loads
from signal import SIGINT, SIGTERM, signal
from sys import exit
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp.web_runner import GracefulExit
from packaging import version
from pydantic import ValidationError
from requests import get
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from socketio import AsyncServer
from vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link import (

from ephys_link.__about__ import __version__
from ephys_link.common import (
from ephys_link.platforms.new_scale_handler import NewScaleHandler
from ephys_link.platforms.new_scale_pathfinder_handler import NewScalePathfinderHandler
from ephys_link.platforms.sensapex_handler import SensapexHandler
from ephys_link.platforms.ump3_handler import UMP3Handler

    from ephys_link.platform_handler import PlatformHandler

[docs]class Server: def __init__(self): # Server and Socketio self.sio = AsyncServer() = web.Application() # Is there a client connected? self.is_connected = False # Is the server running? self.is_running = False # Current platform handler (defaults to Sensapex). self.platform: PlatformHandler = SensapexHandler() # Register server exit handlers. signal(SIGTERM, self.close_server) signal(SIGINT, self.close_server) # Attach server to the web app. self.sio.attach( # Declare events and assign handlers. self.sio.on("connect", self.connect) self.sio.on("disconnect", self.disconnect) self.sio.on("get_version", self.get_version) self.sio.on("get_manipulators", self.get_manipulators) self.sio.on("register_manipulator", self.register_manipulator) self.sio.on("unregister_manipulator", self.unregister_manipulator) self.sio.on("get_pos", self.get_pos) self.sio.on("get_angles", self.get_angles) self.sio.on("get_shank_count", self.get_shank_count) self.sio.on("goto_pos", self.goto_pos) self.sio.on("drive_to_depth", self.drive_to_depth) self.sio.on("set_inside_brain", self.set_inside_brain) self.sio.on("calibrate", self.calibrate) self.sio.on("bypass_calibration", self.bypass_calibration) self.sio.on("set_can_write", self.set_can_write) self.sio.on("stop", self.stop) self.sio.on("*", self.catch_all)
[docs] async def connect(self, sid, _, __) -> bool: """Acknowledge connection to the server. :param sid: Socket session ID. :type sid: str :param _: WSGI formatted dictionary with request info (unused). :type _: dict :param __: Authentication details (unused). :type __: dict :return: False on error to refuse connection. True otherwise. :rtype: bool """ print(f"[CONNECTION REQUEST]:\t\t {sid}\n") if not self.is_connected: print(f"[CONNECTION GRANTED]:\t\t {sid}\n") self.is_connected = True return True print(f"[CONNECTION DENIED]:\t\t {sid}: another client is already connected\n") return False
[docs] async def disconnect(self, sid) -> None: """Acknowledge disconnection from the server. :param sid: Socket session ID. :type sid: str :return: None """ print(f"[DISCONNECTION]:\t {sid}\n") self.platform.reset() self.is_connected = False
# Events
[docs] @staticmethod async def get_version(_) -> str: """Get the version number of the server. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :return: Version number as defined in :mod:`ephys_link.__about__`. :rtype: str """ return __version__
[docs] async def get_manipulators(self, _) -> str: """Get the list of discoverable manipulators. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :return: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.GetManipulatorsResponse` as JSON formatted string. :rtype: str """ dprint("[EVENT]\t\t Get discoverable manipulators") return self.platform.get_manipulators().to_string()
[docs] async def register_manipulator(self, _, manipulator_id: str) -> str: """Register a manipulator with the server. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param manipulator_id: ID of the manipulator to register. :type manipulator_id: str :return: Error message on error, empty string otherwise. :rtype: str """ dprint(f"[EVENT]\t\t Register manipulator: {manipulator_id}") return self.platform.register_manipulator(manipulator_id)
[docs] async def unregister_manipulator(self, _, manipulator_id: str) -> str: """Unregister a manipulator from the server. :param _: Socket session ID (unused) :type _: str :param manipulator_id: ID of the manipulator to unregister. :type manipulator_id: str :return: Error message on error, empty string otherwise. :rtype: str """ dprint(f"[EVENT]\t\t Unregister manipulator: {manipulator_id}") return self.platform.unregister_manipulator(manipulator_id)
[docs] async def get_pos(self, _, manipulator_id: str) -> str: """Position of manipulator request. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param manipulator_id: ID of manipulator to pull position from. :type manipulator_id: str :return: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.PositionalResponse` as JSON formatted string. :rtype: str """ # dprint(f"[EVENT]\t\t Get position of manipulator" f" {manipulator_id}") return self.platform.get_pos(manipulator_id).to_string()
[docs] async def get_angles(self, _, manipulator_id: str) -> str: """Angles of manipulator request. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param manipulator_id: ID of manipulator to pull angles from. :type manipulator_id: str :return: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.AngularResponse` as JSON formatted string. :rtype: str """ return self.platform.get_angles(manipulator_id).to_string()
[docs] async def get_shank_count(self, _, manipulator_id: str) -> str: """Number of shanks of manipulator request. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param manipulator_id: ID of manipulator to pull number of shanks from. :type manipulator_id: str :return: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.ShankCountResponse` as JSON formatted string. :rtype: str """ return self.platform.get_shank_count(manipulator_id).to_string()
[docs] async def goto_pos(self, _, data: str) -> str: """Move manipulator to position. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param data: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.GotoPositionRequest` as JSON formatted string. :type data: str :return: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.PositionalResponse` as JSON formatted string. :rtype: str """ try: request = GotoPositionRequest(**loads(data)) except ValidationError as ve: print(f"[ERROR]\t\t Invalid goto_pos data: {data}\n{ve}\n") return PositionalResponse(error="Invalid data format").to_string() except Exception as e: print(f"[ERROR]\t\t Error in goto_pos: {e}\n") return PositionalResponse(error="Error in goto_pos").to_string() else: dprint(f"[EVENT]\t\t Move manipulator {request.manipulator_id} to position {request.position}") goto_result = await self.platform.goto_pos(request) return goto_result.to_string()
[docs] async def drive_to_depth(self, _, data: str) -> str: """Drive to depth. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param data: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.DriveToDepthRequest` as JSON formatted string. :type data: str :return: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.DriveToDepthResponse` as JSON formatted string. :rtype: str """ try: request = DriveToDepthRequest(**loads(data)) except KeyError: print(f"[ERROR]\t\t Invalid drive_to_depth data: {data}\n") return DriveToDepthResponse(error="Invalid data " "format").to_string() except Exception as e: print(f"[ERROR]\t\t Error in drive_to_depth: {e}\n") return DriveToDepthResponse(error="Error in drive_to_depth").to_string() else: dprint(f"[EVENT]\t\t Drive manipulator {request.manipulator_id} to depth {request.depth}") drive_result = await self.platform.drive_to_depth(request) return drive_result.to_string()
[docs] async def set_inside_brain(self, _, data: str) -> str: """Set the inside brain state. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param data: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.InsideBrainRequest` as JSON formatted string. :type data: str :return: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.BooleanStateResponse` as JSON formatted string. :rtype: str """ try: request = InsideBrainRequest(**loads(data)) except KeyError: print(f"[ERROR]\t\t Invalid set_inside_brain data: {data}\n") return BooleanStateResponse(error="Invalid data format").to_string() except Exception as e: print(f"[ERROR]\t\t Error in inside_brain: {e}\n") return BooleanStateResponse(error="Error in set_inside_brain").to_string() else: dprint(f"[EVENT]\t\t Set manipulator {request.manipulator_id} inside brain to {request.inside}") return self.platform.set_inside_brain(request).to_string()
[docs] async def calibrate(self, _, manipulator_id: str) -> str: """Calibrate manipulator. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param manipulator_id: ID of manipulator to calibrate. :type manipulator_id: str :return: Error message on error, empty string otherwise. :rtype: str """ dprint(f"[EVENT]\t\t Calibrate manipulator" f" {manipulator_id}") return await self.platform.calibrate(manipulator_id, self.sio)
[docs] async def bypass_calibration(self, _, manipulator_id: str) -> str: """Bypass calibration of manipulator. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param manipulator_id: ID of manipulator to bypass calibration. :type manipulator_id: str :return: Error message on error, empty string otherwise. :rtype: str """ dprint(f"[EVENT]\t\t Bypass calibration of manipulator" f" {manipulator_id}") return self.platform.bypass_calibration(manipulator_id)
[docs] async def set_can_write(self, _, data: str) -> str: """Set manipulator can_write state. :param _: Socket session ID (unused) :type _: str :param data: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.CanWriteRequest` as JSON formatted string. :type data: str :return: :class:`vbl_aquarium.models.ephys_link.BooleanStateResponse` as JSON formatted string. :rtype: str """ try: request = CanWriteRequest(**loads(data)) except KeyError: print(f"[ERROR]\t\t Invalid set_can_write data: {data}\n") return BooleanStateResponse(error="Invalid data format").to_string() except Exception as e: print(f"[ERROR]\t\t Error in inside_brain: {e}\n") return BooleanStateResponse(error="Error in set_can_write").to_string() else: dprint(f"[EVENT]\t\t Set manipulator {request.manipulator_id} can_write state to {request.can_write}") return self.platform.set_can_write(request).to_string()
[docs] def stop(self, _) -> bool: """Stop all manipulators. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :return: True if successful, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ dprint("[EVENT]\t\t Stop all manipulators") return self.platform.stop()
[docs] @staticmethod async def catch_all(_, __, data: Any) -> str: """Catch all event. :param _: Socket session ID (unused). :type _: str :param __: Client ID (unused). :type __: str :param data: Data received from client. :type data: Any :return: "UNKNOWN_EVENT" response message. :rtype: str """ print(f"[UNKNOWN EVENT]:\t {data}") return "UNKNOWN_EVENT"
[docs] def launch( self, platform_type: str, server_port: int, pathfinder_port: int | None = None, ignore_updates: bool = False, # noqa: FBT002 ) -> None: """Launch the server. :param platform_type: Parsed argument for platform type. :type platform_type: str :param server_port: HTTP port to serve the server. :type server_port: int :param pathfinder_port: Port New Scale Pathfinder's server is on. :type pathfinder_port: int :param ignore_updates: Flag to ignore checking for updates. :type ignore_updates: bool :return: None """ # Import correct manipulator handler if platform_type == "sensapex": # Already assigned (was the default) pass elif platform_type == "ump3": self.platform = UMP3Handler() elif platform_type == "new_scale": self.platform = NewScaleHandler() elif platform_type == "new_scale_pathfinder": self.platform = NewScalePathfinderHandler(pathfinder_port) else: exit(f"[ERROR]\t\t Invalid manipulator type: {platform_type}") # Preamble. print(ASCII) print(f"v{__version__}") # Check for newer version. if not ignore_updates: try: version_request = get("", timeout=10) latest_version = version_request.json()[0]["name"] if version.parse(latest_version) > version.parse(__version__): print(f"New version available: {latest_version}") print("Download at:") except ConnectionError: pass # Explain window. print() print("This is the Ephys Link server window.") print("You may safely leave it running in the background.") print("To stop the it, close this window or press CTRL + Pause/Break.") print() # List available manipulators print("Available Manipulators:") print(self.platform.get_manipulators().manipulators) print() # Mark that server is running self.is_running = True web.run_app(, port=server_port)
[docs] def close_server(self, _, __) -> None: """Close the server.""" print("[INFO]\t\t Closing server") # Stop movement self.platform.stop() # Exit raise GracefulExit