Source code for oursin.neurons

from . import client


[docs]def create(neuron_names): """Create neuron objects Note: neurons must be created before setting other values Parameters ---------- neuron_names : string list names of the new neuron objects Examples -------- >>> urn.create(["n1","n2","n3"]) """ client.sio.emit('CreateNeurons', neuron_names)
[docs]def delete(neuron_names): """Delete neuron objects Parameters ---------- neuron_names : string list names of the neuron objects Examples -------- >>> urn.delete(["n1","n2","n3"]) """ client.sio.emit('DeleteNeurons', neuron_names)
[docs]def set_position(neuron_positions): """Set neuron positions Parameters ---------- neuron_positions : dict {string: int list} keys are neuron names, values are ML/AP/DV coordinates in um units relative to CCF (0,0,0) Examples -------- >>> urn.set_positions({'n1':[500,1500,1800]}) """ client.sio.emit('SetNeuronPos', neuron_positions)
[docs]def set_size(neuron_sizes): """Set size of neuron objects in mm units Parameters ---------- neuron_sizes : dict {string: float} keys are neuron names, values are float size in mm Examples -------- >>> urn.set_size( {'n1':0.02}) """ client.sio.emit('SetNeuronSize', neuron_sizes)
[docs]def set_color(neuron_colors): """Set colors of neuron objects Parameters ---------- neuron_colors : dict {string: string} keys are neuron names, values are hex colors Examples -------- >>> urn.set_color( {'n1':"#FFFFFF"}) """ client.sio.emit('SetNeuronColor', neuron_colors)
[docs]def set_shape(neuron_shapes): """Change the mesh used to render neurons Options are - 'sphere' (default) - 'cube' better performance when rendering tens of thousands of neurons Parameters ---------- neuron_shapes : dict {string: string} keys are neuron names, values are shape strings Examples -------- >>> urn.set_shape( {'n1':'sphere'}) """ client.sio.emit('SetNeuronShape', neuron_shapes)
[docs]def set_material(neuron_materials): """Change the material used to render neurons Options are - 'lit-transparent' (default) - 'lit' - 'unlit' Parameters ---------- neuron_materials : dict {string: string} keys are neuron names, values are material strings Examples -------- >>> urn.set_neuron_materials( {'n1':'lit-transparent'}) """ client.sio.emit('SetNeuronMaterial', neuron_materials)