Source code for oursin.text

from . import client
import warnings
from . import utils

from vbl_aquarium.models.urchin import TextModel
from vbl_aquarium.models.generic import IDData, IDListStringList, IDListColorList, IDListFloatList, IDListVector2List

## Text renderer

counter = 0
texts = []

[docs] def clear(): """Clear all custom meshes """ global texts for text in texts: text.delete() texts = []
[docs] class Text: def __init__(self, text = "", color = [1, 1, 1], font_size = 12, position = [0,0]): global counter, texts counter +=1 = TextModel( id = f't{counter}', text = text, color = utils.formatted_color(color), font_size=font_size, position=utils.formatted_vector2(position) ) self._update() self.in_unity = True texts.append(self) def _update(self): """Send serialized data to update this text object in Urchin """ client.sio.emit('urchin-text-update',
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete a text object Examples -------- >>> t1.delete() """ client.sio.emit('urchin-text-delete', IDData( self.in_unity = False
[docs] def set_text(self, text): """Set the text in a set of text objects Parameters ---------- text : string text to be displayed Examples -------- >>> t1.set_text('test text') """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Object does not exist in Unity, call create method first.") = utils.sanitize_string(text) self._update()
[docs] def set_color(self,color): """Set the color of a set of text objects Parameters ---------- color : color hex code or [R,G,B] Examples -------- >>> t1.set_color('#FF0000') """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Object does not exist in Unity, call create method first.") = utils.formatted_color(color) self._update()
[docs] def set_font_size(self, font_size): """Set the font size of a set of text objects Parameters ---------- text_sizes : int font sizes Examples -------- >>> t1.set_size(12) """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Object does not exist in Unity, call create method first.") = font_size self._update()
[docs] def set_position(self,position): """Set the positions of a set of text objects in UI canvas space Bottom left corner is [-1,-1], top right [1,1] Text is anchored at the top left corner of its text box. Parameters ---------- text_pos : list of two floats canvas positions relative to the center Examples -------- >>> t1.set_position([400, 300]) """ if self.in_unity == False: raise Exception("Object does not exist in Unity, call create method first.") = utils.formatted_vector2(position) self._update()
[docs] def create(n): """Create n text objects with default parameters Parameters ---------- n : int number of text objects """ text_list = [] for i in range(n): text_list.append(Text()) return text_list
[docs] def set_texts(text_list, str_list): """Set the string value of multiple text objects Parameters ---------- text_list : list of Text Text objects str_list : _type_ _description_ """ str_list = utils.sanitize_list(str_list, len(text_list)) for text, str, in zip(text_list, str_list): = str data = IDListStringList( ids = [ for text in text_list], values= [string for string in str_list] ) client.sio.emit('urchin-text-texts', data.to_json_string())
[docs] def set_positions(text_list, pos_list): """Set the positions of multiple text objects Positions are [0,1] relative to the edges of the screen Parameters ---------- text_list : list of Text Text objects pos_list : list of float [0,0] top left [1,1] bottom right """ pos_list = utils.sanitize_list(pos_list, len(text_list)) for text, pos, in zip(text_list, pos_list): = utils.formatted_vector2(pos) data = IDListVector2List( ids = [ for text in text_list], values = [ for text in text_list] ) client.sio.emit('urchin-text-positions', data.to_json_string())
[docs] def set_font_sizes(text_list, font_size_list): """_summary_ Parameters ---------- text_list : list of Text Text objects font_size_list : _type_ _description_ """ font_size_list = utils.sanitize_list(font_size_list, len(text_list)) for text, font_size, in zip(text_list, font_size_list): = font_size data = IDListFloatList( ids = [ for text in text_list], values= [ for text in text_list] ) client.sio.emit('urchin-text-sizes', data.to_json_string())
[docs] def set_colors(text_list, color_list): """_summary_ Parameters ---------- text_list : list of Text Text objects color_list : _type_ _description_ """ color_list = utils.sanitize_list(color_list, len(text_list)) for text, color, in zip(text_list, color_list): = utils.formatted_color(color) data = IDListColorList( ids = [ for text in text_list], values= [ for text in text_list] ) client.sio.emit('urchin-text-colors', data.to_json_string())